How Does Trigger Point Massage Help With Headache Relief?

 Trigger Point massage releases the constriction of muscle fibers and other connective tissues, allowing greater freedom of movement and improved circulation. This improved circulation brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the affected area, helping to reduce inflammation and allow healing to occur. Regular trigger point massage encourages the relaxation of both the individual muscles and the entire body, reducing the tension that can contribute to headaches.

Headaches can be a nuisance, oftentimes interrupting our daily lives and reducing productivity. Often it is difficult to find an effective and lasting solution to get true relief from recurrent headaches. Fortunately, trigger point massage is an effective solution to many types of headache pain as studies have shown that trigger point massage can act as an analgesic, helping to reduce the intensity and number of recurring headaches.


When performing trigger point massage specifically for headache relief, the massage therapist finds hyperirritable areas in the muscles to release tension from the muscle. As a result, blood flow and motion throughout the head and neck areas is increased, allowing tension to be released and allowing aches, pains, and headaches to be eased.


Try Trigger Point Therapy For Headache Relief At Relief Retreat Muscle Therapy


At Relief Retreat Muscle Therapy, located at 1910 Derita Rd Concord, NC, we provide a specialized form (trigger point therapy) of deep tissue therapy services targeted to your headache pain. When you come in for a massage, our certified trigger point massage therapists will work on the underlying structures of your body to release tension and painful pressure points that can cause headache pain. Deeper muscle layers, connective tissue, tendons and fascia are all targeted during our treatment sessions.


Headache relief through trigger point massage has many advantages, but one of the best things about it is that it does not involve drugs or other medications. If you’re suffering from recurrent headaches and looking for lasting relief, booking an appointment with a qualified massage therapist could be the right solution. Try us out today, and let us help you find the relief you deserve!